It has been known for many years that the body can heal itself. Natural Growth Factor Injections use this theory of Rejuvenating medicine to harness the power of your body, and Natural Growth Factor Injections amplifies the natural growth factors your body uses to heal itself. Natural Growth Factor Injections has been used for years for healing and regenerating soft tissues plus wound healing. Now, research plus clinical evidence proves Natural Growth Factor Injections renewing properties for minimizing fine wrinkles and pores, enhancing volume loss, restoring hair loss, and aiding in skin rejuvenation.
There are many clinical applications for Natural Growth Factor Injections since Natural Growth Factor Injections is full of growth factors that come from a patient’s own platelets. When used on the face, Natural Growth Factor Injections help to tighten, smooth, and improve skin tone by triggering collagen production. Natural Growth Factor Injections used for hair restoration promote follicle hair regrowth.
The Process for a Natural Growth Factor Injections
Natural Growth Factor Injections cosmetic injectable treatments involve injecting rich platelets that have stem cells and growth rich platelets back into the skin. Natural Growth Factor Injections stimulates your body’s natural production of collagen and elastin plus provides overall skin rejuvenation. The same procedure also works to support tissue regeneration, including hair growth.
To answer the question, what is Natural Growth Factor Injections, first, your blood is drawn, spun down to a concentrate, and platelets plus other healing factors are isolated. These healing factors are resuspended into a platelet-rich solution that is injected into the soft tissues of your face or hair thinning areas of your scalp.
Natural Growth Factor Injections is injected to fill hollowed-out areas of your face or to improve the appearance of lines and creases. It takes about 30-34 minutes for your aesthetician to carefully inject Natural Growth Factor Injections into your skin and another 30 minutes to an hour for the results to be noticed.
What can a Natural Growth Factor Injections do for me? Natural Growth Factor Injections are used to lessen the appearance of wrinkles, tighten and smooth your skin, and lessen the damage caused by scaring. In 2017 a study done by clinicians discovered that Natural Growth Factor Injections induced a reduction the skin aging, and this technique could be used to improve wrinkles and elastosis or yellowish skin. Natural Growth Factor Injections also increased blood vessels in the skin as it increased collagen density or the lattice-work that keeps skin hydrated and curvy.
Natural Growth Factor Injections can be injected into your skin without the use of dermal fillers, and the process can be repeated every four weeks if needed. There are little or no negative side effects, except maybe a little bruising at the injection sites. The benefits for people who receive Natural Growth Factor Injections is the option to use their natural body elements to heal and restore a youthful look to their face. Little to no artificial fillers are injected into your skin.
Be sure to let your aesthetician know if you are taking blood thinners like Coumadin and Plavix and let your medspa know all the medications – natural, over the counter, and prescription you are taking. Some medications could interfere with the Natural Growth Factor Injections, and blood thinners could cause abnormal bleeding at the injection site. After your Natural Growth Factor Injections, be careful to use gentle skincare products and use moisturizers without any potentially irritating ingredients.
What are Natural Growth Factor Injections for hair restoration?
When Natural Growth Factor Injections are used for hair restoration, the same Natural Growth Factor Injection is injected to help you achieve natural-looking hair regrowth. Natural Growth Factor Injections are non-surgical procedures where a small needle is inserted into your scalp, and plate-rich Natural Growth Factor Injections is injected into your scalp.
Natural Growth Factor Injections is great in stimulating the growth of hair follicles in androgenic alopecia in either men or women. The growth factors in platelets stimulate the follicles to grow hair. Do note, however, that Natural Growth Factor Injections will not cause new hair follicles to grow where there were none.
If you have thinning hair or hair loss at the top of your scalp and a receding hairline along the temples or pattern alopecia, you will benefit from Natural Growth Factor Injections for hair loss. If you are bald, however, you cannot undergo this treatment because it does not help grow new hair on a bald patch. Natural Growth Factor Injections can only make the existing thinning hair thicker by strengthening the hair follicles.
What is a Natural Growth Factor Injections? It is a natural way to boost the collagen in your skin, to restore thickness to thinning hair, and to give you a natural glow.